Quarantine Life Reflections: Week 3

Working from home: the achy back and shoulder from sitting uncomfortably over a laptop at the kitchen table, multiple nooks with good backgrounds for Zoom meetings, home-cooked lunches on the couch in front of TV. Working from the couch, working from the living room floor, working from bed. 

Working from home: seeing the inside of the homes of all of my colleagues. Someone at work taking care of everyone’s plants in the building. The breaking of barriers and the informality of Zoom chats. Still getting Monday blues and forgetting what work means during the weekends.

Long walks: at every lunch, with my Mom, to get groceries, to discover new running routes for the future. 

Long runs: every other day and because it is easier to social distance from others outside at running speed. Thoughts about upping the distance to train for a full marathon because we have all this time. 

Seeing the spring come forward: snowy days, rainy days, muddy paths, then greener grass, and first tiny wild blue flowers that grow all over lawns in West Toronto. Rolling up my sleeves to get more sun on my forearms while taking a walk. Bird songs at dawn. First earthworms on the pavement after it rains.

Can’t climb inside. Home-built stand alone hang board. Instagram challenges with people from the climbing gym: 100 squats, pull ups, handstands, videos of falling off old climbs, #showmewhatyougot. The memes of climbers climbing the inside of their kitchens. 

Checking in with friends around the world. How many deaths in Spain now? Do you go outside? Friday night video calls with my brother. 

Being incredibly afraid. Being incredibly calm: this is it now. Now what? Read that book, take that course, go for that run. One day at a time is all we got. It is all we ever had.