
Photo of the blog author, Anna, on a street

Welcome to Life Philosophized!

My name is Anna. I started Life Philosophized in 2015 to reflect on and share my experiences in life. 

I’ve spent four years of my life pursuing philosophy academically: I have a Master’s degree and I finished my first year of a PhD program. At the time of starting this blog, I was taking a year off from my studies, and then decided to quit. I wrote a bit about quitting a PhD and transitioning into a job after leaving academia. This post — Things I Learned After Quitting My PhDgot the most hits. You can find all of my articles on the topic under the category Life After Grad School.

Today, the blog is mostly for me. I want to take the time to reflect on and record things I live through, places I visit, experiences that I have. I love being in nature. I run, hike, camp, swim, and rock climb. I enjoy taking photos of the world around me and sharing what I capture with others. I have lived in several different places around the world. I travel quite a bit and I hope to keep that up in the future. 

Things that interest me lately and traces of which you are likely to find in my writing are: outdoors, travel, exercise (especially long-distance running, rock climbing, and yoga), mindfulness, writing, work-life balance, well-being, books, and slow living while aspiring to large goals.