Life Lately March 2018

Life Lately – 31.03.2018

About once a month, I will post some of the highlights of my life. I enjoy an opportunity to reflect on my days, seek out experiences worth writing about, and keep a record of my life in all of its different stages. I will share the books I’m reading, the side projects I am working on, and the adventures I am embarking on.

What a whirlwind the last couple of weeks have been! I am working hard during my regular 9-5 and trying to live a full and a rich life outside of those hours. Here’s what I have been up to.


We signed up for a climbing course at our home gym.  I honestly have not trained this hard since my early 20s when I used to model. I am fascinated by the fact that in order to get stronger, my body has to get broken down. It’s hard to believe that my body can hurt this much one day and then feel great and strong again only two days later. I can already see that this experience is helping me to become a more confident climber. The only downside of this training is that it happens late at night and I am unable to get the amount of sleep I need for the following day.


We have finalized and booked our summer vacation. We will start with a short visit to Paris, followed by a week of hiking around Chamonix. The summer plans made me want to re-read all of the French authors. I just finished Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast and started Zola’s The Ladies’ Delight.


This year, I decided to participate in #The100DayProject. The idea behind the project is to commit to a creative activity that you will keep up for 100 days.  You are to share your daily progress with others via Instagram.

I wanted my 100 days to be about writing. I wanted a simple activity that did not require a complicated setup and could be completed even on the busiest of the days and while traveling. My entire set up is an old (but still blank) notebook and a pen.

I am a bit turned off by the sharing part that the project encourages: lately, I feel like prepping an image or a quote to be shared on Instagram takes away from the actual creative experience of capturing them. So, #100daysofwrittenwords is entirely for me. I do not care about sharing my progress daily, I only care about sticking to the exercise of writing for myself every day for 100 days.